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Community Alert: Jordan Henry CanvASSing!

Friday evening extremist school board candidate Jordan Henry posted video of himself knocking on voters' doors in GUSD Area A. Saturday, there were reports that a Henry volunteer was in the Cloudcrest area.

Both Henry and the volunteer had "walk cards" showing Henry's face on one side and a list of his alleged priorities, which have been translated based on his public statements and actions.

Jordan Henry has said in podcast interviews with Alex Balekian that he things Special Education funding should be cut, and appears to be lying about GUSD's standardized test scores to voters to stoke fear. If you see Henry or his volunteers in your neighborhood, warn your neighbors!

Jordan Henry posting on Nextdoor about "test scores" and "Union politics" in Glendale unified
Jordan Henry posting on Nextdoor about "test scores" and "Union politics" in Glendale unified

Test scores are one metric public school districts in California use in grades 3-8 and in grade 11 to assess student progress in math and English Language Arts. Grassroots group GUSD Parents for Public Schools has a primer on state testing that perhaps Jordan and Aneta Krpekyan should read before they knock too many doors. Yes, Jordan, it sure would be easier to get high test scores if English Language Learners didn't have to take the tests! Just say it out loud!


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