Ara Najarian's city council tantrum is now officially going to cost Glendale taxpayers money. On July 1st, Najarian filed suit against the City of Glendale for not making him ceremonial mayor for a fifth time. This means the City Attorney will have to be paid for their time defending the case out of the city's general fund. Who needs parks when you can have spurious lawsuits!
Conveniently, Ara Najarian's son will be on the payroll for legal fees defending his daddy.
The trial date is October 9th.
Imagine giving this much of a shit about sitting in the middle of the dais.
Najarian still refuses to accept that the reason he was passed over is because he told dangerous and hateful lies about what is being taught in GUSD public schools on a national far-right network.
In April and again in June, outgoing mayor Dan Brotman gave Najarian the public opportunity to apologize for the lies and then to become mayor, and to make amends. Najarian refused at all times. None of this refusal to apologize appears in Najarian's statement in his filings.
Najarian has no children in GUSD public schools, and it's unclear whether or not his own children attended GUSD schools or private schools like Najarian did.
Finally, happily retired CALPERS pension recipient Ray Shelton is on the brink of having his case against the Glendale Unified Public School District thrown out.
Shelton has one last chance to amend his case, but that will require he: 1. admit he submitted his retirement paperwork before trotting out a swastika at a school board meeting; 2: violated GUSD policy by doing hate speech at a public meeting; 3: acknowledge he was paid for the 6 weeks he was placed on leave.
Good luck, Scorchy!